Bonsai is very beautiful; the font's antiquity seems to conjure a sweet staleness of old newsprint, somehow. A.T., Ontario, Canada
The fonts you offer are quite unique and beautifully done.... Your site and ecommerce process was also a pleasure to view and to use. R.M., Newbury NH
I must say [Texas Hero] is one of the most beautiful fonts Ive ever seen. J.C., Mount Holly NC
All [these] typefaces are wonderful, romantic creative fonts which no serious designer could possibly overlook. G.H., London, England
Keep up the fonts! They are some of the best I have seen in 10-plus years of design. M.O., Little Rock AR
Your fonts are gorgeous, and in particular, your handwriting fonts are the best I've ever seen. J.H., Witny, Oxfordshire, England
This is a fantastic resource and the fonts are beautiful! C.B., Bethesda MD