Antiquarian font
Antiquarian Scribe
Geographica Hand
Geographica Script
Terra Ignota
Abigail Adams font
American Scribe
Austin Pen
Bonhomme Richard
Botanical Scribe
Douglass Pen
Emily Austin font
Geographica Script
Houston Pen
Lamar Pen
Military Scribe
Old Man Eloquent font
Remsen Script
Schooner Script
Texas Hero font
Attic Antique
The text face used here (as well as elsewhere) is Broadsheet™. The home page letters are set in Emily Austin™ & Lamar Pen™. All typefaces referenced on this website—Abigail Adams™, American Scribe™, Antiquarian™, Antiquarian Scribe™, Attic Antique™, Austin Pen™, Bonhomme Richard™, Bonnycastle™, Bonsai™, Botanical Scribe™, Broadsheet™, Castine™, Douglass Pen™, Emily Austin™, Geographica™, Geographica Hand™, Geographica Script™, Houston Pen™, Lamar Pen™, Military Scribe™, Old Man Eloquent™, Remsen Script™, Schooner Script™, Terra Ignota™ & Texas Hero™ (as well as all other fonts in the Handwritten History™ Bundle)—are the intellectual property of Three Islands Press (copyright ©1994–2025). For site licensing contact:

   Three Islands Press
   P.O. Box 1092
   Rockport ME 04856 USA
   (207) 596-6768


Write like they used to.
     H O M E  
  F A Q  
FREE with any order this month is Remsen Script, a formal 1700s script font.
Austin Pen regular font
Austin Pen bold font
Historical Pens » Austin Pen Try the Austin Pen font   Order the Austin Pen font 
Austin Pen Opentype
Austin Pen™

Empresario Stephen F. Austin (1793-1836) is considered by many the “Father of Texas” for leading the first Anglo-American colony into the then-Mexican territory back in the 1820s. A few years later, while on a diplomatic mission to Mexico City, Austin was arrested on suspicion of plotting Texas independence* and imprisoned for virtually all of 1834. During this time he kept a secret diary—much of it written in Spanish. Austin Pen is my interpretation of his scribblings in this miniature prison journal (now in the collection of the wonderful Dolph Briscoe Center for American History). I trust you’ll agree the font is both legible and evocative of commonplace American penmanship of two centuries ago. Austin Pen has regular and bold weights—the latter replicating look of ink-smudged script. Both come with numerous OpenType features.† US$49 | Order  Austin Pen font

*Of course Texas did in fact gain independence from Mexico, in 1836, and Austin ran for the new republic’s first president. He lost to Sam Houston (see Houston Pen), who appointed him Secretary of State—but soon afterward Stephen Fuller Austin died at the early age of 43, of pneumonia. Incidentally, our Emily Austin font is modeled after the hand of Austin’s sister, Emily Austin Perry (1795–1851).

OpenType features include scores of standard and discretionary ligatures, stylistic alternates, contextual substitutions, lining and old-style figures, cross-outs, ink blots, a hand-lettered uppercase alphabet, and full Latin support.

Try It Out Download Demo Vintage Script Fonts View Regular Characters Historical Text Fonts View Bold Characters
Antique Text Fonts
Order the Austin Pen font online Order the Austin Pen font online

 To order Austin Pen, choose full family or individual style and “Add” to your basket.

Desktop License 💻



  Austin Pen Family (incl. Regular & Bold)


  Austin Pen Regular

Austin Pen


  Austin Pen Bold

Austin Pen


Web License 🌐



  Austin Pen Family (incl. Regular & Bold)


  Austin Pen Regular

Austin Pen


  Austin Pen Bold

Austin Pen


Full License (Desktop + Web) 💻 🌐



  Austin Pen Family (incl. Regular & Bold)


  Austin Pen Regular

Austin Pen


  Austin Pen Bold

Austin Pen


💻 Desktop License—a standard license for creating personal/commercial art, documents, and graphics.
🌐 Web License—permitting installation on a server for embedding fonts via CSS in website designs.

Old Fonts
Three Islands Press

Copyright ©1993–2025 Three Islands Press.

Your Shopping Basket

“[American Scribe] may be the greatest font ever! Everyone on the planet should have it!”
—M.P., Boulder CO

“I happened across your website completely by accident, and I was astounded by the fonts I found there. They are amazing.”
—M.S., Ontario, Canada

“Oh! I'm in loooove with this font! It's lovely, it's organic, it's real, it's got history & tradition. My designs are singing!”
—C.C., Palo Alto CA

“The Texas Hero font is fantastic and just what I have been looking for.”
—D.M., Mahwah NJ

“This is a fantastic resource and the fonts are beautiful!”
—C.B., Bethesda MD

“Thanks so much for the great service and wonderful typefaces!”
—S.F., Evanston IL

“[Douglass Pen is a] stupendous achievement!”
—A.B., Encino CA 3IP02301